About Us
At Natty Belle we seek to restore access to the Greater Self* by connecting to a rich celestial knowledge and the source of our African diasporic Ancestry. We wield art as our chosen vessel to share the scared art of decoration as our primary form of expression.
Founded in 2018, this New York based company focuses on high quality, handmade fashionable items that center the materials and resources from the Continent of Africa. Using a slow approach to fashion we arm descendants of the African Diaspora with beautiful options that are infused with cultural and ancestral magic.
What’s the meaning?
Natty: neatly or trimly smart in dress or appearance; spruce.
Belle: a woman admired for her beauty and charm. The most engaging woman among a number.
Natty + Belle = A smartly dressed beauty.
*The Greater Self refers to one's higher self. The Greater Self also refers to the larger Self as in the community.